Monday, January 11, 2010

Hw 30

Emptiness is an infinitely deep hole shaped like a mystery (whatever you may interpret that as). The hole is covered up with a door of our personal image. The door is sealed with about 20 different locks, that are each opened with different keys. When one comes close to opening the lock by finally finding the right key, the keyhole changes shape. They begin to look for another key that will now fit the new keyhole. When they do, it changes shape. No matter how fast they find that key, they will never be able to open the door, which covers the emptiness.

In this description of the emptiness we feel, I express that the hole is covered with a door of our personal image and by personal image I mean how people see us. Our friends, our family, our teachers… We are constantly trying to prove to others that we don’t feel the emptiness by following our given roles. Since we are constantly craving to fill the emptiness with coolness, the lock represents “cool”. This is because it’s always changing. For example. In order to be cool, one requirement may be fashion. In the 1960’s/1970’s, tie dye and being a hippie was cool but now, although some of the aspects of cool remain the same, being a hippie and wearing tie dye may be looked down upon a little more.

The door can never be opened be cause we are not authentic. We are not one person. We all follow multiple roles and that is the door which blocks us from filling the emptiness. Both us (the door) and the cool that we wish to use as a filling (the key) are constantly changing and developing in different ways making it so that the emptiness is forever there. We might as well accept it.