Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework # 6- Video Questions

  • What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?                It seemed as if I need more mind stimulation. When I watched the video it seems like I'm hypnotized by the digital representation devices. I was trapped and unable to move from my seat. Trapped in thoughtless conversations with friends, video games that make your eyes water but you continue to stare at the screen, and stupid online games that benefit me in absolutely no way. It seemed as if I was wasting time. Although some may see it as a bad thing, I might have needed the mind stimulation to escape from stress. This is definately not my situation but one may be close to a death caused by stress and that time away with digital representation would allow them to relax and escape for the period of time.
  •  When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?       It feels like I wasted my time when making this video. Not that I have a problem with digitalization in any way but it feels like I was stuck. Its like what Andy said about Nieztsche's "Myth of the Endless Return." Every time I view my video, it seems as if I am continuously  reliving those meaningless moments.                    
  • Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?                       I wouldn't mind them using digital representation devices due to the fact that they can benefit you and they don't need to turn out as robots. Everyone needs some time away from the "real world". I wouldn't like them using it excessively and become completely brain washed by it to a point where they escape so much that they escape from reality.  
  • What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?                            At one point while I was talking to my friend we had a pretty interesting conversation while at another point we had a pointless conversation. I noticed that when you watch the video, they look exactly the same. That kind of makes me question... Is it really possible to have an extremely deep conversation that isn't face to face?


  1. Amanda,

    I really enjoyed reading your post and watching your video, I thought you had some interesting points, and your video was nice and organized. I also liked the transitions you put in there when switching from digital devices.

    One of your paragraphs made me laugh, while also bringing up an extremely interesting point. Your paragraph that reads “Every time I view my video, it seems as if I am continuously reliving those meaningless moments.” I thought that was funny because I never really thought about watching a video of yourself using technology as a meaningless moment, but now that you brought it up, it makes a lot of sense. Okay now that I explained why I find it funny, it doesn’t seem so funny anymore. But that is an extremely interesting and true point though.

    One of your quotes made me think about a conversation I had with my friend Jimmy a while ago. The quote that reads “Is it really possible to have an extremely deep conversation that isn't face to face?” A couple of months ago Jimmy and I were having an extremely deep conversation (through aim no less), and we were also thinking about how most of the time conversations people have with each other are pointless. I was telling him how nice it was to be able to have a friend you could have a deep conversation with, and he said sometimes that is what you need. He said sometimes pointless conversation just doesn’t satisfy one’s needs. When reading this question you posed, I thought about how it is possible to have an extremely deep conversation that isn’t face to face, but people don’t because they get lazy and instead have pointless conversations that don’t require much thought.

    Because of this line in your post “It seemed as if I was wasting time”, I have decided to change a little bit of my lifestyle. I realized that it is true, while using all these digital devices; we are wasting our lives slowly. Every moment consumed staring at a screen for entertainment use is a moment we could be out being active, but we aren’t. It’s also a moment we can never recover.

    To tie back to the question you asked and I previously restated, maybe you can try having more meaningful conversations with your friends? Even though it does not look like you are having those conversations, you know that you are which means you aren’t wasting your time. I am not saying you have to have these conversations all the time, everyone knows that would suck. But just see if you could incorporate it into your daily life?

    I really enjoyed reading your post and can’t wait to red more posts by you!


  2. i posted my comment for your blog on my blog because its too long for me to post here.

    -Sam Rios
