Saturday, October 3, 2009

Comment on Rachels Blog

I really enjoyed watching your video and reading your reflection. I thought that you brought up some really interesting points. You really made me wonder more about my future and how digital representation devices are affecting how others may see me.
When you stated that you became completely disembodied, I thought that you really captured how everyone sort of feels. Someone may be in a situation where they missed out on an opportunity because they were captured by the digital world. To me, I think that digital representation devices were set up to make it so that you cannot use them without becoming zoned out. If you think about it, it's extremely hard to accomplish something using DRD without becoming disembodied. People may see this as a bad thing but it's not only with DRD, it is the same with reading and any other activities that require focus. This also reminded me of how people become zoned out in the street with that weird blue tooth thing. I know that when I see them in the street it seems to me as if they are crazy people walking down the street and then realize that they are having an actual conversation with someone.
You also stated that you didn't want to sound like a hypocrite because you wouldn’t want your little sister or future child using DRDs for long periods of time; you would rather them outside being active. Since you think that, do you really think that there is a lack of outside activity in your own life? I say this because as a gymnast I train 4 hours everyday but still get as much time in the digital world as others do (of course I have lost some sleep but I'm used to it.) Do you think that I may still be over doing it? I guess what the real question is if your okay with the way your living now and you aren't following your own standards, then why should your child or little sister have to live differently?
Even though I just questioned you on that point, I kind of agree. I rethought that topic of my future kids and actually considered that I would like to keep my children away from the digital world. It's that I wouldn't really mind them becoming a digital person, but I want to give them the chance to choose otherwise. It's like drugs. The digital world is addicting and once you get started with it, it's ten times harder to stop.
Well both your video and reflection were really interesting and really made me think about my life. Can't wait to hear more from you.
-Amanda :)

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