Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Informal Research Hw # 10

If you ask people whether or not kids are spending too much time on videogames, the typical answer is controversial. The list of websites below may prove points that argue both sides.


On this website, they gave examples of both good and bad health effects that videogames cause. I found this interesting because it stated that there were not as many bad effects reported as good. "People (especially youngsters) who are undergoing painful treatment for ailments like cancer can use video games to distract themselves from the pain for extended periods." I find this to be interesting because it uses what people believe as "bad" and makes it a positive.
In class we discussed how the digital world may be separated from the "real world" and this actually proves this to be true. People are able to use videogames to escape from their problems for periods of time. This can be a stress relief but just as anything else, too much is a problem.
This website also proves that it’s not really what you do, it’s the way you do it. For example: playing a Family Guy game isn’t the best choice but playing a game that stimulates hand eye coordination or problem solving can benefit a person: “Studies have also shown that playing video games can improve mental faculties, such as hand-eye coordination. More intelligent games such as strategy and puzzle games can also improve problem solving, and provide intellectual stimulation as well.”


“Both Singapore and the US army modified available video games to hone the strategic and decision-making skills of officers.” This is just a quote I found in this website that I found extremely interesting. So many people look down on videogames mean while its being used in the system that is used to fight for our country. This could be another controversial fact. This is being used to train people who are basically “killers” and is also being introduced to children. I’m sure that the videogames are not as intense but some of the videogames out now are extremely gory.
(As I finished skimming this website, I realized that they actually spelled practicing incorrectly meanwhile this seems to be some what of a government website so I’m unsure of how reliable this may be.)


Cool facts I found on this website:

  • 83% of kids, eight to eighteen, have at least one video game player in their home, 31% have 3 or more video game players, and 49% have video game systems in their bedrooms (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005).

  • Video Games account for one-third of the average monthly core entertainment spending in the U.S. (NDP Group Inc., 2009).

  • Adolescents who play more than one hour of console or Internet video games have more or more intense symptoms of ADHD or inattention than those who do not (Chan, 2006).

  • Video game usage may be linked to a lower GPA and SAT score (Vivek, 2007).

  • Games can confuse reality and fantasy.

  • Many games do not offer action that requires independent thought or creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    I really liked the fact that after you incorporated a link of the article you were reading, you explained the main point of the article thoroughly, and included the most important thoughts in your mind while reading the article. After I read the articles you read, I realized that we both had almost the same thoughts. Another thing I like is the cool facts you found on the website. They were interesting to read, and I learned new things that I never knew before.

    The main part of your post was that videogames have good and bad sides. You incorporated ideas from people who think video games are good, and from people who thinks video games are bad.

    I think that your post connects to the world in a strong way. I like the topic you picked, because video games are an extremely controversial topic. I know people who spend all their times on video games and who think video games are the best things in the world, and people who don’t own any type of video game console and think it’s a big waste of time. It was nice to read both points of the argument.

    I think that in order to make your post stronger, you should write about your view on video games. Do you think video games are a good or bad thing? Are they a waste of time or do they help us develop important skills? What’s your opinion on all of this?

    Your post made me think about video games and whether or not they are a good or bad thing. I am still unsure about the topic, since it depends on the game itself; however your post made me further analyze my arguments.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog; and can’t wait to read more of them!

    -Rachel (:
